All the latest Elite Racing news
$48k First Four at Flemington
The Elite-Filter bettors were not the only big winners on Saturday. Elite Multi bettors got yet another record high First-4 at Flemington on Saturday 27th feb. The previous $33,917 record was smashed when our specific multi strategy nominated the $48,916
Price Profitability Analysis- Mel
There is no official minimum price for the Elite Filters and ALL bets are recorded but a lot of Elite members set a minimum price. I thought it may be a good time to analyse the Mel Elite-Filters by odds.
Distance Profitability – Sydney
Hi members, further to the previous blog, we now have the Elite-Filters track/distance data for the two main Sydney tracks going back to 2016. Regards Richard
Distance Profitability- Melbourne
Member Mike H sent in an analysis of the Elite-Filters by distance/Track. From the members’ master spreadsheet he has worked out a personal grading for the Elite Filters based on the performance over each distance at each track. I decided
Elite Colour Coding Main Chances
Our Colour-Coding strategy is showing 81% net profit with 7 winning days from 8 so far. We are building up some serious data for the Mel colour-coding with eight completed meetings over the past five weeks. We have colour-coded 76
Elite Multi Betting
Multi Betting – Exactas, Trifectas and First Fours We are receiving a lot of queries in regards to the Elite Multi bets. Each meeting we provide the “ALL-Rated” list including instructions how to shape our recommended Multi bet (3x9x9x12). ALL
Checklist for WINNING Punters
Today we look at the discipline required to win at punting even with the very best information. Firstly, here is a checklist of non-negotiables required to become a winning punter. Checklist of a WINNING Punter Two punters can have access
Current Members’ responses to Number 1 rank in performance
Elite Members have been made aware of the independent assessment of Elite Racing as number 1 in performance by Here is some of the feedback:
Elite Independently rated in top-2 from 50 services
This email from a current Elite member arrived today telling us of the independent assessment of Elite Racing as number 1 in performance by We were unaware of this but it is great for the industry to have independent
Why doesn’t Elite have Bookie ads?
If you want to be a part of a service that gets paid if you lose, then Elite is not for you. Elite continues to lead the way in the racing services industry by the length of the Flemington straight.
My Bank is too Small
From time to time I hear: “my bank is too small to make a profit…” or “I only have $2000, I can’t bet to the $10k that you list so I will never win…” Along with members: not reading our
From Mug to Pro with Elite
Self-Confessed mug-punter to Professional (Elite newsletter to members May 14th) I was talking to a long-term client this morning and he was explaining his massive turnaround from Horse punting basket-case to professional during his journey with Elite. He has applied
How-To Series: Elite Pace Strategy
Elite Pace We know pace. We know which races will be won by swoopers and which ones will be on-pace and we know which horses are suited accordingly. It is not always a matter of fast pace = swoopers that’s
How-To Series PACE Abbreviations
Elite Pace Abbreviations Horse Position in run We map all the runners with their expected position in the run denoted by letters. This is explained in the intro-pak and the image below was taken from there. Race Pace The pace