Refund Policy
Q: I want to take advantage of your cheap longer-term membership, can I pull out and get a refund if I am not happy?
A: There are two payment options for Elite Racing membership: Pay in advance for a predetermined period, usually 12 months or longer. All memberships are recurring and will be automatically renewed at the completion of the membership term unless advised to cancel in writing at least 14 days prior to renewal date. This is the cheapest and easiest option.
Pay as you go monthly: This involves upfront deposit then monthly instalments fixed for a minimum of six months (Six instalments). The membership period then automatically becoming perpetual so the original monthly amount is locked in for as long as you want to continue with Elite. Elite Racing memberships are a legally binding contract for the agreed period and cannot be stopped mid-term for a refund or cessation of monthly instalments. Melbourne and Sydney membership secures access to Elite Ratings (Top-5 selections for selected Melbourne and/or Sydney Saturday class races). Betting suggestions, results, strategies, data spreadsheets and extra race-day information beyond the Elite Ratings are provided as free extra information based on the core membership to access Elite Ratings. All information beyond the core Elite Ratings is always under review in the pursuit of excellence. Recommendations and information and data based on Elite Ratings in any form can and may be changed or withdrawn at any time at the decision of Elite Racing Data Pty Ltd.
Although Elite’s selections and methods provide the best chance of winning at racing, Elite membership is not guaranteed or performance based. Valuable intellectual property of Elite Racing is passed on to members upon joining and any consideration of a refund or cessation of monthly payments would only be in the most extreme personal cases and is at the sole discretion of Elite Racing. Any shortened term of contract agreed to by Elite Racing will immediately bring into effect the retrospective cost of $99.00 per week per service for the total period of membership already supplied.