It looked to be really tough again on Saturday and that’s how it turned out…for the bookies!
The bet numbers were down but the profits were fantastic across the board.
Nationwide-Best hit with four winners from nine.
Platinum E4 was left with two bets after Flash Feeling’s scratching. Zoumon missed by that much but King Magnus won easily at $7.50.
The Mel/Syd Combos had the same two bets plus The Good Fight so a big day there as well.
Mel EW Master was left with one bet, King Magnus.
We really appreciate the feedback and hearing of your big wins, thank you.
In the previous newsletter (June 2nd) we shared a statement from one of our bookies, proving real-time profits at five of the past six months.
+45% on turnover from December 2022! Newsletter June 2nd 2023 Pdf
Results: As-Listed v Current Algorithm.
For complete transparency, we provide the results of the main strategies as they are listed on race-morning. Remember, Elite Racing was voted number ONE for results and transparency from 50 other services for good reason.
We also keep spreadsheets with the up-to-date algorithms. The Master-Data-Mel-2023 is an example of this. It is uploaded on race-morning and updated with results after the meeting.
We thought it may be of interest to compare the 2023 As-Listed results against the Current-Algo results applied to the same race-morning data. It provides the full picture of each plan’s development, improvement and current status.
Platinum E4 2023
Members were notified of the most recent upgrade to the E4 algorithm on the May 27th raceday message.
Only two meetings using the updated algo so far but it is a good example of what these small tweaks do.
Platinum E4 Superseded Algorithm, May 27th and June 3rd.
(What would have been if we did not upgrade the algorithm).
Platinum E4 Current Algorithm, May 27th and June 3rd.
(What actually was delivered).
Good and Proper and The Good Fight were rejected by the new algorithm.
It is only two racedays and Good and Proper was eased out of the race with issues but I hope it demonstrates why we relentlessly do the behind the scenes stuff – to make sure Elite punters retain that huge edge over other punters.
E4: All of 2023
Let’s take this back to January 1st 2023 to compare the Platinum E4 As-Listed v the algorithm that is in place now.
We are proud of the as-listed effort. A real-time as-listed bank increase of 47% in 2023 is sensational.
But that outcome includes dead wood that we have identified and will not be wasting bets on in the future. Conversely, other rules have been relaxed resulting in nearly the same number of overall qualifiers.
We have included the complete list of bets to support data in the table above. We urge members to check/audit with the online archived race-morning messages.
E4 2023 Current Algo all bets Pdf
Main Strategies 2023 so far AS-LISTED at the time.
For completeness, here are all the main Elite strategies’ performance for 2023 so far.
These are as-listed not current algo.
Larry and Richard
Coming Meetings