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Elite Multi Betting

Multi Betting – Exactas, Trifectas and First Fours We are receiving a lot of queries in regards to the Elite Multi bets. Each meeting we provide the “ALL-Rated” list including instructions how to shape our recommended Multi bet (3x9x9x12). ALL

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Checklist for WINNING Punters

Today we look at the discipline required to win at punting even with the very best information. Firstly, here is a checklist of non-negotiables required to become a winning punter. Checklist of a WINNING Punter Two punters can have access

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Why doesn’t Elite have Bookie ads?

If you want to be a part of a service that gets paid if you lose, then Elite is not for you. Elite continues to lead the way in the racing services industry by the length of the Flemington straight.

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From Mug to Pro with Elite

Self-Confessed mug-punter to Professional (Elite newsletter to members May 14th) I was talking to a long-term client this morning and he was explaining his massive turnaround from Horse punting basket-case to professional during his journey with Elite. He has applied

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